No Pfizer lipids in my body because I started joining the dots in March 2020, then watched the Muppets suffer adverse reactions and deaths in their droves after the useless 'cure' was launched!

If I continue to refuse the DEADLY COVID INJECTION, can my Doctor still prescribe the new, Pfizer induced, 'Sudden Early Death Syndrome (SADS) for me?

All concerned in monitoring of Vax Safety are also 'marketing Covid injections' (for some inexplicable reason called 'vaccines')and are probably rewarded for both responsibilities = Ensuring Covid Vax is SAFE & EFFECTIVE (which they're NOT!) AND for promoting Pfizer as an honest organisation, not interested in profit - but predominantly helping humanity!

Heart DAMAGE from Covid Vax is permanent!

Do any Doctors still remember "Do no harm" as part of their oath to provide professional conduct?

What about 'Informed Consent'? That was formally terminated as a Patient courtesy or requirement the same Date Covid Vax cheated it's way into the market with an unjustified (EUA) Emergency Use Authorisation - because they got the FDA to agree that IVERMECTIN & several other proven pre-existing Safe & Effective anti-viral medicines did not exist, or, if they did, "They're only for animals."!

Big Pharma Covid injections (called "vaccines"???) = NO 'LIABILITY' = LICENCE TO KILL with impunity!

Why do the CDC refer to DEADLY VAX 'DANGER SIGNALS' as "Safety Signals"? This Poison is made with NO GUARANTEE of SAFETY or EFFICACY by unethical and massively profitable organisations that accept NO RESPONSIBILITY for any/all ADVERSE REACTIONS or/and DEATHS that follow their supposed 'cures'.

The crap is so unreliable, that now NEW AILMENTS are being (invented) discovered like SUDDEN EARLY DEATH SYNDROME (SADS)! High functioning athletes are dropping like flies!

Why would anybody play RUSSIAN ROULETTE with their otherwise healthy bodies, and those of their innocent children! Apparently there are now 770 different adverse reactions recorded that relate to Covid injections (ridiculously referred to as "VACCINES").

LIABILITY MUST BE REINTRODUCED for these Bio-weapons designed for depopulation of the planet!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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There was a story that the Trudeau Foundation owned a stake in Acuitas and that explained his love of shot mandates. The fact checkers are all over it - denying everything.

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Great work. Now that the public has seen through the fraud, the fraudsters are fighting amongst themselves



Looking forward to court disclosures.

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That's a great discovery regarding Arbutus!

Got a lot of work ahead of me!

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Cool beans, Underdog! Great detective work. More power to you and your perceptive mind!

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I try to not jump to conclusions but... the then Australian Minister for Health, Greg Hunt and his brothers, established a graphene oxide factory prior to the opening of jab season, which tends to support the "GrO inclusion in jab" theory, which also suggests a lot of conflict of interest operational in the Houses of our political Fathers. Rupert Murdoch, who is actually the ruler of Australia, also has financial and family interests in Big Pharma. So it should surprise nobody that our great Leaders are reticent about nosey people poking around in their investment portfolios and health industry mechanisms.

All of which suggests to me that, in the fullness of time, we Aussies will have the most spectacular mass execution celebration parties in the world, second only to the US. The more social of us are already party-planning. First prize for novel conceptualisation goes to "Bluey" Jones of Melbourne for his giant pinada full of medical bureaucrats, to be suspended between Melbournes two tallest buildings, and then burst asunder by a giant AFL football launched by a massive cannon. Already, the gambling community is taking bets on which bureaucrats will hit the streets first.

It's good that the citizens are taking a light-hearted approach to justice. It really is heart-warming, which beats cardiomylitis any day.

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I digitized the charts and plotted the digitized data in a excel. I then ran their trendline function on the data using an exponential fit. The equation for this is a simple first order decay equation:

C=C0*exp(-kt) or for the chart with y being the vertical axis., y=y0*exp(-k*x). The fits for the liver gave an Rsq=0.85. From the best fit trendline equations, I calculated the half-life of the LNG liver data, ln(2)/k. The time required for half of the original concentration of LNP to decay or go away is called the half-life. There are better and more accurate ways and equations to generate a best fit but this was quick and sufficient for this analysis.

ALC-0159 liver (t1/2) = 23.9 hours

ALC-0315 liver (t1/2)= 139 hours.

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How did you come up with 23.9 "hours" when the graph shows the ALC LNPs existence easily exceeds the 200 hour mark, and would be there after days? The graphs do not measure minutes; they measure hours.

The study might talk 'over 240 minutes' but the sleight-of-hand is 200 hours *is* over 240 minutes. It's a bit like saying 'there are more than 3 murders in Chicago in a year' to obfuscate the alarmingly high figures of murders.

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the half life comes from the excel best fit trendline what calculated the best fit equation

y = 6.9589e-0.029x R² = 0.8506 I am not a fan of how excel calculate exponential fits but it was quick and easy to do. The 1/2 life is one half of the concentration goes away every 23.9 hours. First Order Exponential decay is not the best equation to use because there are enzymes and other biological factors that should be considered in fitting these data. It's what I have and did it without personal bias. If you want the spreadsheet send me a separate email.

Here is the digitized data for it.

LNP,ALC-0159 liver


0.0, 7.5

0.0, 9.6



7.0, 7.8


48.5, 0.6

96.1, 0.2

192.3, 0.1

these data end at less than 200 hours

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Again, I ask where did you get the halflife from? Saying you managed to shoehorn an Excel spreadsheet to match a trendline is not evidence of a halflife decay.

"these data end at less than 200 hours"

The graph does not end at 200 hours, and continues until at least 300. And I strongly advise re-reading the article. They use (h) to signify hours.

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