I don't think we can trust any death or injury data coming out of any government department in the western world. We have to assume it has all been compromised to cover their tracks.

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I think many people had the distrust of government statistics, but seeing it made concrete and made clearly evident I think hammers the final nail in any shred of credibility they had.

Showing them publishing outright fraudulent statistics destroys their standing. At this stage in the game it is now blatantly obvious what they're doing is outright criminal. The question now falls to the public what their move in response is?

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Agreed, it shows premeditation and malice.

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Very good summary. Thanks.

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They must be so confused by now, lying is hard

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We have added your analysis to that of others and that based on Canadian data at :


We also made this short article: https://opencanada.substack.com/p/read-me-first-if-government-of-canada that can be used as the easiest evidence to prove that Governments are willingly breaking all norms of data and scientific integrity. Once you see this evidence, you will not have more doubts that they are doing it everywhere where possible - with no exception - including , of course, in latest UK Deaths data.

Please contact us at opencanada.info@protonmail.com for collaboration. We are developing tools (in R and as Web App) that should make deaths data analysis and visualizations easier for everyone, as in OpenCanada.info. Jason knows :)

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