Oct 20, 2023Liked by The Underdog

“Anonymity does not mean a lack of credibility, because evidence carries credibility by itself, and should not hinge on the credibility of the individual presenting it.”

Indeed. I didn’t follow Jikky because he waived around credentials and said “trust me”. I followed him because he presented the data and links to sources.

The FDA withholds data, requiring people to file lawsuits and FOIA requests in order to learn anything of use about the covid vaccines . Why should any of us trust and listen to someone who screams, “Trust me!”, and continually uses ad hominem attacks and other logical fallacies in their arguments and is unwilling to back up their claims with source data?

It amazes me that people like Jerome Adams and Paul Offit don’t realize how damaging these types of interactions are to their credibility.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by The Underdog

Thanks, Beagle. I don't have an X account, so I appreciate having these interesting exchanges detailed in the way you do.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by The Underdog

It never cease to amaze me that some people are all about credentials.

Prior to online world-wide discussions, credentials were a reasonable heuristic for deciding to listen to someone. Now, however, there are literally billions of people who might chime in and a few of these billions of people will know something about a topic despite having no credentials.

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023Liked by The Underdog

It has been my experience that in academia, those who have obtained their advanced degrees and "credentials" via scholarships and grants for minority students, and their increasingly prestigious positions due to affirmative action (as did Jerome Adams), are often VERY touchy about having the indoctrination they imbibed at university or at Big Pharma-med schools challenged, and thus their own "authority" challenged.

Just like Cartman -- https://tinyurl.com/3rjeadz6

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If you clap loud enough, Jikky is a real mouse. Jiminy told me so.

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It's good to have furry friends with great minds.

Being filtered by someone using a creative pseudonym says a lot more about you than the person's ideas and arguments.

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Oct 22, 2023·edited Oct 24, 2023Liked by The Underdog

Social media can be very bad for dignitaries (people in positions for whom the public expects, or assumes, grace, distance and.. dignity) when they reveal who they are.

Jerome's self-reveal reminds me of the Australian Electoral Commission account on twitter, suddenly showing itself as a young narcissist with a control issue, unable to let go of conversations it should never have entered.

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Cool. All I was asking. I’ll have to look up FUD. Thanks. Powell is a blithering idiot. I have tremendous respect for my fellow physicians and surgeons. Hard to believe this is happening. It’s like H. sap is trying out for a Darwin Award.


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FUD means 'Fear Uncertainty Doubt'

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Jerome - Explain why these injections (some refer to as VACCINES) come with ZERO LIABILITY?

This evidence of evil skulduggery proves what a self opinionated twunt you really must be!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready to fight!

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ya jus' gotta laugh!!

Ouch, 😳

that hurts!

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by The Underdog

So r u man or mouse?...me thinks you squeak!

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Well, when a mouse, or a dog, or even a squirrel make more sense, are more honest, and are more easily verifiable than a doctor, then "yes", I do trust them more.

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Excellent write-up! I hope it gets shared widely. Highlights the cruxes of what is wrong in our society in terms of the free flow of information or, rather, the rampant suppression of information and why, on the basis of this fact, it is apt to describe what we effectively live under as totalitarianism or corporatism.

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023

Wait...didn't pharmaceutical companies exclusively use mice to determine efficacy of a gene therapy injection for humans?

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Was it 8 or 11?

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Anybody remember this Martin Kulldorff body slam of Adams?


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Funny... before all this, I wasn't really that fond of mice. A shared love of cheese is, I guess, about all we had in common, other than being mammals. Little did I know where the cheese would lead: Questions. Source material. Thoughts. Questions. Answers. Rage. More Questions. Insouciant resolve. Hope.

All "the experts" ever give me are talking points and misinformation. Oh, and a cold shoulder when I mention that vaccine injured people need their help.

Thank you, wonderful Mouse and mouse friends, everywhere. Nibbling at the ropes that chain the lion of truth is helping to save the world. Truly.

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Now tell me: Why should we listen to anything a dog has to say?

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If a dog can speak English and type on the Internet it is one hell of an intelligent dog!

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Yeah good point. Species shouldn't matter as long as the content is as good as this article. :D

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