Heh, perfect closing line. I was going to comment using it. Everything is a shell game with the elites. Mass shootings and border crises; hyped illusion to keep people spinning. Pay no attention to the President's family money laundering or all of the data showing a 40% spike in adult all-cause mortality.

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A while back I did intend to cover Hunter Biden's CCP ties, but when I went to examine the evidence I realised it was a mammoth task beyond even my capacity to go through.

Is there even a term for a person who commits so many crimes that people lose track of how many and what kind they've committed? I don't know what law Hunter Biden *hasn't* broken.

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Yeah I'm drawing a blank there myself; murder maybe?

With the Bidens, you'd have to pick a country to examine and maybe even go down to the corporate leve for the payoutsl. I have yet to see anyone throw out one of those fancy 3D network webs showing all of the players and connections.

Youre absolutely spot-on with Musk. Elites like these shadow plays. I'll have to remember ConOp for future use

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Maybe Tucker Carlson will make it alright.


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Tucker is an interesting variable. Does he know? His transfer to Twitter looks planned, but it's not clear if it's in a 'made my own plans' kind of way or 'transfer the last vestiges of establishment credibility' kind of plan.

Right now my default is not to trust him. I will let time tell which side he's on.

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