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If I'm ever permitted to enter the US again because of my NO VAX status, I'll be hoping that all airlines will have an EXTRA Co-Pilot on board because of the increasing risk of (new medical phenomenon) SADS caused by the DEADLY INJECTIONS! Same goes for being extra vigilant when driving on the roads because the oncoming driver might be the next SADS victim!

The FDA, and others running the 'World Health circus', must be earning well out of the deceit and lies they seem to promote or 'turn a blind eye' to.

Like, in 2020, the sudden disappearance (denigration) of IVERMECTIN and other SAFE & EFFECTIVE 'anti-viral' medicines, when for decades, they have been universally respected treatments for viral diseases in both humans and animals.

Like, pretending the (once honest and respected, World Health Organisation = pre-Gates tenure), had recommended IVERMECTIN as on of 50 Important Medicines that every Country should use.

Like, pretending IVERMECTIN had been used successfully for years in dealing with viral health issues.

Like, ignoring the fact IVERMECTIN had been awarded the NOBEL PRIZE for Medicine, for the decades it was used safely and successfully.

Like, awarding Big Pharma an Emergency Use Approval (EUA) "because no other anti-viral treatment existed" at the time of Pfizer's (et al) Applications to launch their EXPERIMENTAL new (USELESS BUT EXTREMELY DANGEROUS) mRNA Injections (unbelievably mis-described as "vaccines").

Like hiding the terrible Pfizer, et al, Safety trial data and Post jab fatality results from the (dodgy 'In-House') results that Pfizer were allowed to perform without proper independent supervision.

Like, covering up the extent of 'serious Heart health issues' and 'Blood Clotting' frequency that occurs after the new mRNA injections are administered.

Like pretending the exponential increase in the new (since 2020) phenomenon of 'Sudden Instant Death Syndrome' (SADS) (in high functioning sports participants) was 'non-existent' or latterly suggested to be "extremely Rare".

Like pretending the new mRNA injections were "SAFE & EFFECTIVE" - which None are!

Like initially going along with Big Pharma's (Pfizer in particular) reluctance to publish their Safety Trials or the ingredients of their 'POISONOUS' injections for 75 years before such important information was to be made public. This preposterous request was then reduced to 50 years. Eventually, the FDA's conspiracy with Big Pharma was so blatantly obvious, the judiciary had to determine that Pfizer could simply 'drip-feed' the important )in-house???) Safety stats over many years.

Like allowing the ludicrous concession of NO LIABILITY for any/all INJURIES or/and DEATHS related to the greedy Big Pharma's new injections. A concession with absolutely no logical reason to be permitted. The NO LIABILITY condition encourages Big Pharma to function for PROFIT over HUMAN SAFETY! Ann encouragement to avoid costly Quality Control = A 'LICENCE TO KILL' with impunity.

The list of complicity between Big Pharma & FDA, CDC, NIH and other related Health overseeing bodies, seems endless and demonstrates that human health is a profit making venture with many fingers in the 'brimming till', and with absolutely no regard for Human Health. Just for PROFIT!

LIABILITY must be reintroduced IMMEDIATELY = It's just common sense!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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