Feb 28, 2023Liked by The Underdog

I feel sorry for Dr. Kory, who is a decent man. But he's badly wrong on this. The elderly were murdered. The medical personnel who did it could have refused. They did not, and they'd do it again in a similar situation. I can see how accepting any of that would be hard for a man who is genuinely committed to healing and wants to believe the best of his colleagues, wherever they may be. In this case, they don't deserve it. They deserve prison.

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Many nurses employed by the NHS blew the whistle on empty wards and mass murder of the elderly. There were several such exposes in Australia too. At that time, in the US, Kory quite rightly called out the banning of cheap and effective treatments for the covid virus as mass murder. But the wider problem was the false history of disease reduction with vaccines when in fact this was acheived with public health strategies that included sewerage schemes, clean water resevoirs, removal of slums, improvement in nutrition, the discovery of penicillin and antibiotics, and the general raising of living standards from the 1880s onwards.Vaccinations had no positive impact whatsoever. Worse, they triggered a series of injuries that caused autism and new infections such as tonsil/adenoids, and chronic middel ear infections. There is no reason Kory was prevented from learning these realities.

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Sounds like the UK is different than the US. Here in the states, a mass causualty event is anything that results in harm affecting a large number of people. The cause or mechanism of injury isn't limited; all that matters are the results. The classification system is for triage when EMS et al is trying to help the greatest amount of people on the scene with limited resources. Was there really any part of the covid con that qualified as an MCI? A few US cities appeared to have suffered "outbreaks" early on (that is, if the complicit, lying whores-of-mainstream media were even telling any part of the truth, which at this point has to be questioned)....and imo this screams of some type of deliberate toxic release in which "the government" was most definitely involved. It wouldn't be the first time; think Operation SeaSpray, the Moscow Signal & Havanah Syndrome, Manhattan Project, and Tuskeegee for example. Needless to say, though....what happened in nursing homes and hospitals as the plandemic rolled on was 100% POLICY. A deliberate plan to murder people, scripted and coordinated and carried out by minions all marching in lockstep to the orders coming down from above. It has been the most enormous, most coordinated and most heinous attempt to genocide the entire human race that this world has ever seen, and only true soulless evil is capable of that. There are still good people out there who do not want to face that fact. Their refusal to confront the true realities of the situation are helping to keep the evil in place where it can continue to cause harm. This literally is consenting to it. All the people who are looking around, scratching their heads and wondering just what the hell is going on because something isn't right are continuing to consent to it until they truly educate themselves and then take a stand against it. It's not enough to cherry pick which narratives are the least terrible and confront them; people must stop being apologists for any part of it and call it all out for what it is, 100%.

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by The Underdog

Well said! One hundred percent right!

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by The Underdog

Whip him like a rented mule.

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"they only relate to acts of terrorism, not pandemics"

Me, knowing Wuhan bio-engineered SC2: *raises finger*

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I think you're being harsh on Kory. I've followed you (am paid sub via a diff account) and Kory for a long time, I've heard him speak live, and personally give him the benefit of the doubt, in that he is a man of integrity and goodwill.

It's important for you to know, I think, that he is in fact wary of all vaccines, see here: https://twitter.com/PierreKory/status/1606830449514389505

It seems that you view him as a shill for the establishment - this can hardly be correct, seeing as he has eloquently and prolifically advocated for ivermectin, has been anti the covid jabs, and many other acts that accord with the 'good' side of this debate.

An alternative would be to assume that he is a glowie, and pretends to be a 'good' guy in order to enact a 'limited hangout' and direct us to believe it was all a mistake rather than a purposeful genocide (which you believe it is) - my personal view, given his work, his live appearance that I saw him at, the personal, career and financial sacrifices he had to make, and his (positive) association with characters like Peter McCullough - is that that would be incorrect, and that he is a decent and honest man.

And so my overall analysis is that he is simply still blue pilled. He admits as much himself, describing himself as a run of the mill liberal/leftie before 2020, and that the shenanigans regarding effective meds and ineffective vaccines redpilled him with regards to the medical establishment and how it's controlled by big pharma. My read is that his world view is still thus: yes, he has realised that we're ruled by corrupt oligarchs - but Malthusianst WEF stuff is still outside of his Overton Window. He likely believes Bill Gates is a greedy capitalist, rather than a selfish malthusianist.

In summary, I think it's mistake to attack him directly and personally. He is not a shill, rather someone still within the Matrix.

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I am Dr Kory meant “mass casualty event" - note the singular form - to mean covid.

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