Aug 27, 2022Liked by The Underdog

Those deformed or incomplete bits of mRNA can, or even likely will, produce prions. Prions are bad, which makes the whole mRNA integrity issue much worse.

Protection from liability does not shield them if it is in fact "defective product", and not in the case of "willful misconduct".

There are quite a few more things Steve Kirsch at al. are not doing. They are talking about crimes, but not about lawsuits, not really trying to do anything about it. For example. How come no one has even tried to summon FBI to investigate safety of the vaccines and potentially the biggest crime in human history? How come no one is suing FDA and CDC for willful or criminal misconduct, gross negligence and involuntary homicide, while many claim that is what happened, and is still happening? How come no one is suing Pfizer for selling defective product, while many claim that is what it actually is?

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Aug 27, 2022Liked by The Underdog

Have you tried contacting Dr Naomi Wolf on GETTR or her website https://dailyclout.io I don’t know why Steve would ignore this information or you but Naomi responds to everyone and her staff follow up.

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"I also submitted copies to WikiLeaks a while back but I notice they haven’t published it either, which seems a bit odd."

As a long time WikiLeaks supporter I can say it's not odd at all. Given the huge resources dedicated to saving Julian Assange from slow death at the hands of DoJ there's far less skilled talent available to vet the submitted documents. There is also no public listing of submissions now under review for release. As many know WikiLeaks has NEVER had fraudulent documents they have 100% accuracy record and that takes staffing that cannot effectively deal with all the submissions plus fight for survival.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by The Underdog

Web page: https://corona-investigative-committee.com/; led by Reiner Fuellmich (https://t.me/ReinerFuellmichEnglish). They have a specific contact for whistleblowers. Thank you for your work!

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by The Underdog

I watched your video and it struck me this must be the explanation for the insane lot variability uncovered by Craig Pardekooper on how bad is my batch. Mike Yeadon has commented extensively on this.


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The conundrum surrounding adverse events has always been twofold - why are they so bad for some people (and apparently not for others) and why do they cause just a wide array of diseases? The discoveries elaborated in this article and accompanying beautiful video provide another piece of the puzzle. We now see evidence of the following:

*The LNPs cross blood-organ barriers to produce spike and fragment proteins inside vital organs

*Sometimes administration of the shot results in the gunk staying in a stagnant spot, and sometimes it lands in a busy “traffic zone” that takes it everywhere very quickly

*LNP integrity is highly variable, being affected by light, storage, physical shock/vibration in transit

*mRNA integrity is similarly highly variable

*Degraded mRNA can produce large amounts of odd proteins that can cause unknown effects, possibly prion issues and autoimmune disorders

*There are unknown toxic contaminants that vary from batch to batch

Some of these issues are likely to affect other injectable products as well.

It’s no wonder that we observe such a diversity of outcomes.

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by The Underdog

I began to question the role Kirsch is really playing since way back at the beginning of all of this…I watched one of the first conferences that Robert Malone had…for a silicon Valley group and the moment I heard someone in the audience ask him about the animal trials in which the animals all died…Malone responded by saying he knew NOTHING about them. I KNEW at that moment he lied. He had to have known. And just today I watched Malone in a current interview in which he refers to isolation of this or that retro virus…he also mentions having had spoken to Martin…I still believe in David Martin but Malone and Kirsch and Weinstein no more for me. Nope.

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Glad that Kirsch contacted you! He has a contact page but he doesn't post it in every article.

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I'd contact Stew Peters @ protonmail.com I think is his email address.

His website is stewpeters.com

Or Red Voice Media.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by The Underdog

Web page: https://corona-investigative-committee.com/; led by Reiner Fuellmich (https://t.me/ReinerFuellmichEnglish). They have a specific contact for whistleblowers. Thank you for your work!

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What an excellently produced video! Congratulations on that, and apologies for the undeserved lack of attention your findings have received.

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What about Dr Malone??

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