Jan 1, 2023Liked by The Underdog

I buy New Scientist magazine in print from time to time, and they seem to have been pretty resolute in sticking with “The Science,” rather than actual science, with respect to covid. I suppose they’re not going to start deviating from the official pro-vax line now, no matter how the bodies are piling up.

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The continuing human cull - by injection (called 'Covid vaccine'?)

Headline; "Durham Police deal with eight sudden deaths on Christmas Day".

Observation = The story implies these 8 inexplicable deaths were in "a village", but after searching a few news sources, I have to state - there is no village named - only the Durham Police confirmed the incomplete story. Whilst I am proud to be regarded as a Conspiracy Theorist, I have to inform those interested in the unbelievable number of POST VAX DEATHS world-wide, that it seems these 8 unexplained deaths could relate to a COUNTY WIDE catastrophe, not a single VILLAGE!

Our Government, along with every other Government World Wide, must have been coerced into signing a Contract Agreement with Pfizer (et al) to accept all liability and responsibility, in order to obtain these useless but dangerous poisonous injections. Incredibly our inept politicians or, as I suspect, complicit politicians, dubiously ignore these incidents and our Government then expects all affected casualties or/and surviving relatives to emphatically prove it was the injection that caused the damage. Without an autopsy, because AUTOPSIES are now banned in Death cases following the Covid Vax!

LIABILITY for Pfizer, et al, would stop this unbelievable waste of life that goes on while thousands die after accepting the manufacturer's assurance the jabs are SAFE! Reintroduce LIABILITY NOW! It's just 'COMMON SENSE'!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots!

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by The Underdog

Not sure about the 'single village' bit. Eight sudden deaths in County Durham, as I understand it. So therefore 8 sudden deaths on one day in a county. That's a lot, I fully agree, but not sure where the reference to a village came from.

Happy New Year!

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It might be the whole of Durham. I will hold my hands up here, I was repeating what I was told from the person who notified me, and given they're raising it in the first place, I will admit I trust them. You're free to disregard the village part and assume it's Durham in general.

I can't verify where specifically the deaths happened because, of course, no details published. So there's no names to cross-reference, no street addresses to examine, zero. We're at a level of cover-up that's so deep we know more about the street an exhaust theft occurred in than we do about 8 sudden and highly suspicious deaths.

I know this much, though: police are obliged to be notified of any sudden deaths because by their nature the cause isn't immediately clear and it invokes suspicion. I know this because a neighbour next door popped their clogs within minutes (yes, they were boosted: four shots, so I am told) and the police were there for a few hours.

We weren't close, rarely spoke and they were what you'd say deep in the koolaid. I'm now waiting to see what will happen to their other family members.

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RemovedDec 31, 2022Liked by The Underdog
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That's an excellent point to tack on.

The Pfizer shot did not have any fertility studies originally. Then they selectively only mentioned female fertility whilst omitting male fertility. This shows evidence the poison mRNA shots impact male fertility.

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