1. Russia Declares US Directly Involved In Ukraine
More details at The Daily Beagle article “Could This Lead To Direct War Between America And Russia?”
2. Ukrainian President Zelensky, Asks Government To Legalise Same-Sex Couples
Zelensky is in a middle of a warzone and is for some reason more concerned about LGBTQ people, as reported by Pfizer connected Reuters (Monkeypox mostly spreads amongst gay people, for context as to why Pfizer might want this story pushed).
Given Ukraine is heavily supportive of Orthodox Christianity…
nearly 80 percent of Ukrainians profess affiliation with an Orthodox denomination, some 10 percent of the population — particularly in western Ukraine — belong to the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. Muslims, mostly of Crimean Tatar heritage, comprise about one percent of Ukraine’s population — along with a historically significant Jewish community numbering around 200,000 and small groups of Protestant Christians.
…it is highly unlikely this will be a popular move by drag wearing Zelensky. Good job he already crushed all of the opposition parties, then.
The religious formulations - or Zelensky’s inclinations - won’t be a surprise to anyone who has read The Daily Beagle’s “The History Between Ukraine and Russia”.
3. Azerbaijan Violates Ceasefire, 7 Injured
Reported by Russian government backed Intel Slava Z, they declared that “Azerbaijan violated the ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh, 7 Armenian soldiers were injured”.
4. France Reduce Nuclear Usage Due To Water Shortage
As noted in The Daily Beagle’s article “The Coming Energy Collapse In France”.
5. The US Approved $3.05 Billion Sale Of Patriot Missiles To Saudi Arabia
Reported by Neo-Conservative Breitbart, the US government intends to send Saudi Arabia 300 GEM-T missiles. According to Raytheon, the missile manufacturer for the GEM-T, GEM stands for Guidance Enhanced Missile, which aims to engage “tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles or enemy aircraft”.
Missile Defence Advocacy Alliance claims the GEM-T is one of the first missiles to carry a “GaN [Gallium Nitride] transmitter”. Gallium Nitride appears to be used by radar systems, suggesting the GEM-T is a radar-directed missile.
There also includes a possible sale of THAAD equipment to the United Arab Emirates, costing $2.25 billion.
6. US Representative Jackie Walorski Is Killed
Reported by Business Insider, Jackie Walorski was killed in a car crash by a vehicle driving into her. It also killed Walorski’s 28 year old comms director, Emma Thomson; Zachery Potts, 27, a member of St. Joseph County Republican Party; and the driver of the other car, 56 year old Edith Schmucker. It occurred in Elkhart County.
She was notable as she was 1 of 126 Republicans of the House of Representatives to sign an amicus brief in support of Texas v. Pennsylvania, a lawsuit filed at SCOTUS contesting 2020 presidential election results.
7. Dutch Government Declares Drought
Reported by The Daily Sabah, the Netherlands government claimed that “The water shortage is already having a negative effect on shipping and agriculture in particular”.
It’s interesting the comment about agriculture being impacted, given the Dutch government angered the Dutch farmers by proposing a ruinous 30% reduction in nitrogen usage on farms (essentially leading to a worldwide food shortage, see our earlier article on the topic).
8. US, EU, UK Want Facial Recognition At Checkpoints, Airports, More
Reported by Reclaim The Net, UK government wants to use facial profiling on people crossing at airports under the flimsy excuse of “border security”, after the US demanded more biometric information on Britons, alongside the EU demanding more countries implement facial recognition at crossings.
9. US Government Plans For Psychedelic ‘Therapies’ Within Two Years
An article by the liberal leaning Intercept reports the US government wants use psychedelic drugs for ‘therapies’:
President Joe Biden’s administration “anticipates” that regulators will approve MDMA and psilocybin within the next two years for designated breakthrough therapies for PTSD and depression, respectively
MDMA, also known as “ecstasy”, was a drug developed by the pharmaceutical company Merck, MDMA has a history of causing deaths, mostly related to heatstroke:
MDMA is associated with causing death by a number of mechanisms, including hyperpyrexia, cardiac arrhythmia water intoxication and liver failure.
It’s interesting the government are now advocating these. Operation Midnight Climax anyone?
10. Dutch Farmers Protest Government Food Shortage Agenda By Blocking Paper Mills
Reported by Neo-Conservative Breitbart here, which comments:
The paper factory ranked 54 among companies in the Netherlands in terms of emitting nitrogen oxides and was the top such emitter in the province of Gelderland.
11. Pedo-Bill Pusher To Pass A Bill Allowing Children To Take The Poison Shot Without Consent
A bill proposed by pedophile Scott Wiener (who previously passed a bill to decriminalise sex between men and children) introduced a bill allowing 12 year olds to take the poison shot without needing parental consent, likely as a pre-emptive phase introduction to try to pass bills allowing children to have sex without consent.
Opposition over the bill is due to the fact that children are gullible and easily misled, and aren’t developed mentally enough to be able to make informed decisions - arguments that also apply to maintaining age-of-consent laws in relation to sex.
12. German Coal Plants In Trouble Over Heatwave
Reported by ZeroHedge, 510-megawatt Staudinger-5 coal-fired power plant likely to see issues in September due to issues with coal deliveries by barge due to the low river levels in Germany.
13. China Fires Missiles At Japan
Not aimed directly at the mainland, but within their Economic Exclusion Zone (EEZ), reported by Kyodo News.
14. Spain Limits Public And Large Buildings’ Air Conditioning
In response to the oil and gas shortages of the Ukraine war, as reported by the Guardian.
15. Senator Josh Hawley Discusses China’s Response On A New Virus
Ignore the fake ‘missing’ placecard by YouTube that makes the video appear censored, it is, in-fact, operational (hence why the title is visible). Hawley discusses China researching the Nipah Virus with a 60% lethality rate:
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