People might be baffled as to why Gavin Newsom (in California) is attacking Ron DeSantis (in Florida) as part of his campaign in California. They might chalk it up that he’s unhinged (given he implemented vaccine mandates forcefully on children otherwise denying them education, that could be true), or he’s really enraged by Florida siphoning off Californians not wanting to live in his tyrannical state.
But it actually exposes Newsom’s longer term schemes. To the point, that I don’t think he’s truly thinking it through. I notice other media pundits haven’t clocked on either.
He’s Planning To Run For President
As soon as I say this sentence, it’ll probably hit you why it makes a world of sense. DeSantis is slated to be a really well liked contender for 2024, and if Gavin plans to run, he has to pull DeSantis down in order to try to achieve it.
Not that I think a man this unpopular would ever succeed, but you can see the little tyrannical cogwheels in his head turning, clunking away, as he devises a way to crush his arch-nemesis Florida by running as President. Why have the terrible conditions of California in just one State, when you can become President-Dictator-Elect and have California’s ‘s**t-in-the-street’ conditions everywhere?
The open defecation problem in California was so bad, it drew colloquial parallels by liberal US government financed NPR, making comparations akin to Indians just openly defecating in streets and in full view of the public in India.
California’s defecation issue was so bad, Indian News Nine made a newscast basically distancing itself from it, by saying ‘No, California's situation is far worse, we don’t even permit open defecation in India and we’re actually trying to address the issue’. This is basically the social equivalent of the class nerd giving California the wedgie.
Given Newsom can’t even handle the basic santitary issues in his own State, let alone the tyranny, medical oppression and rampant crime, it would be a good idea to try to nix his “secretly” planned Presidental run now.
We see you Newsom, scheming away.
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