British politics will be covered in a separate dumpster fire article.
A since deleted Tweet [Editor’s note: Tim Walz isn’t literally Regunberg’s dad, it’s a metaphor involving… violence]
Two first Jewish Presidents?
Vote dishonest contradictory military soldier for peace!
‘Come for the free concert, stay for the pro-Israel views!’
He wasn’t raided when he contradicted the ‘weapons of mass destruction’ lie for the Iraq war…
This is what an AIPAC owned Congress looks like (if the below space is blank it is because the image is still loading)…
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Thoughts, dear reader?
They do make you wonder, if you are willing to observe and think.
Note what you are not allowed to criticize, and you will know what controls you.
Your take on UK will be interesting. I fell for the Blair shtick, never again.