You can get access to the UK government’s vast trove of documents relating to the bill here, although The Daily Beagle will be attempting to summarise the changes.
From the pre-face factsheet, the key points of action noted are:
£37 billion support package
Changes to the National Insurance Contribution threshold (unspecified)
Funding for kooky ‘carbon capture’ technologies
Funding for a CO2 transport and storage network
Doubles down on the inefficient heat pumps
Major: UK is legislating to adopt fusion power
Variety of protections for consumers (from mergers; price rises)
Setting security standards on “Smart” devices
“Reducing the number of cabling, landing points, and substations” - err, what?
Encouraging batteries and pumped hydro storage by removing bureaucratic measures
Ofgem appointed as regulator for “heat networks”
Developing “heat networks” (no, we don’t know what they are either)
Replacing EU regulations with British ones
Defence of the oil supply
Encourage investment by private firms into nuclear power
Clean up nuclear sites; build a below ground “disposal” site
Apply higher environmental standards to offshore oil and gas wells
Ensuring polluters pay for pollution from decommissioned works
De-licencing, clean-up and re-use of nuclear sites.
Other Documents:
Competition in Onshore Electricity Networks: Something something Net Zero
Enabling the Hydrogen Village Trial: Enables a Hydrogen Village Trial. Also permits forceful entry.
Energy Network Special Merger Regime: Requires the CMA (Competitions and Market Authority) to double-check energy mergers won’t compromise Ofgem’s impartiality. (Actually a pretty sensible proposal if you ask me)
Smart Metering: Sets annual targets for companies to force these upon the unwilling public.
There were a few other documents but judging by their subtitles, not of particular interest to the general public.
What It Means For Brits
Higher prices, as you pay for the “upgrades” to your house, more control devolved to third parties and the government, more “smart” meter spyware in your home, a pithy single “rebate” for a bill that has doubled permanently, some more bats**t carbon policies (at a time of unaffordability and crisis, really?) meaning higher taxes, a couple of kooky schemes, forcing people to use only one type of inefficient heat pump (it does not work efficiently in the cool temperatures of our moderate climate), widing regulations, maybe some fusion (not that they can get fission working).
Oh and they recognised oil was a national security interest, I guess?
So, basically, a kick in the balls for Brits.
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