A shorter, lighter article compared to our usual in-depth research; we ask readers forgive us for the less dilligent article, but there are wider ramifications to these actions by Musk.
The Daily Beagle makes no bones about our distrust of Elon Musk, contrary to the wave of usual Internet populism that sweeps any time someone mutters token words airing empty platitudes claiming to support freedom. We prefer actions, not words.
mRNA Musk has shown his true colours to the Substack community at large — he has gone to war with Substack itself!
The Furutism article is slightly hyperbolic, although not by much. Some links slip through the net, but only in the same way some people don’t pay taxes. People are posting images showing articles that cannot be retweeted, liked or replied to.
Two other examples: One, by Ben at USMortality, talks about the accuracy of the PCR test (notice it only has a counter for quotes; no replies, likes or retweet counts):
Also one by Alex Berenson, covering child murder and politics:
Tweets that quote the Substack posts also inherit the same; they cannot be liked, replied to or retweeted.
For example, this Tweet by Jikkyleaks:
Others report the same thing:
It’s not even possible to reply to your own Substack Tweet, as a fake ‘error’ message appears:
Attempting things like self-liking are also disabled:
Notice who mRNA Musk is largely screwing over in all of this? People who pay to use Twitter. Isn’t Twitter supposed to be having financial issues?
Paying subscribers ought to cancel their subscriptions with immediate effect in protest if this is how he mistreats paying customers.
Contrary to his rah-rah rhetoric of promoting those who pay for verification, he suppresses and undercuts their earning model. Ironic, as they’re the people who pay to use his platform, unlike the pro-censorship groups like The New York Times.
This isn’t the first time Twitter has engaged in underhanded censorship practices since Elon Musk took over, including stealthily removing people from following accounts en-mass:
They also removed likes and retweet counts, putting the finger on the scales:
The Daily Beagle can confirm many of our retweets and likes were also ‘undone’ by the abusive Twitter algorithm. Notice how the above Tweet is neither retweeted nor liked — even though we did this for this and many other Tweets expressing concerns about censorship.
Twitter promoting imposter accounters and suppressing paid verified accounts in search:

They also suspended frequent contributor to GrayZone without giving a reason:
Locking accounts for wanting to disagree with those who promoted violence towards children:
The Daily Beagle also found Twitter ‘errors out’ dissenting video uploads, blocks images containing specific words (unless fuzzed with anti-OCR noise), suppressed Tweets (absent timeline unless interacted with), and omitted followed accounts Tweets from ‘For You’.
They forcefully inserted pro-government Tweets that were never followed, weren’t retweeted nor liked by any followed accounts, including:
Datamining Tweets from unrecognised accounts asking for people’s responses (E.G. vaccine injuries, views on government)
Pro-Ukraine war Tweets
Pro-Zoonotic origin Tweets
Pro-vaccine Tweets
Tweets critical of dissenting views (usually intentionally ambiguous or vague)
It is evident that Twitter is still an apparatus of the US government. Swarms of UK government 77th brigade members also still exist, not much has changed.
The EU and US as of late has gone very quiet after screaming at Twitter to censor hate speech. In The Daily Beagle’s mind ,this indicates Elon Musk has cut a deal with both, like Lando Calrissian in Star Wars, betraying the rebels in the process.
It is clear the anti-free speech brigade are terrified of the power of Substack if they’re now censoring it as extensively as Brighteon.com videos (you won’t be able to ever post the original EMA documents video link on Twitter either). The Daily Beagle has been vocal in promoting Gab over Twitter..
Question now my Substack friends, is how do we work our way around this? How do we extract more freedom and truth loving people from the Twitter platform now they’re at war with us? Leave a comment below of your proposals.
Update: Elon Musk is now trying to gaslight the public, and insists he did not block Substack links, despite the landslide of evidence to the contrary.
Even Twitter’s own fact-checkers are labelling Elon Musk’s Tweet as false, although the fact-check keeps changing as Elon tries to battle them to say something that conforms with his narrative worldview.
The ‘Substack were webscraping Twitter posts’ is unevidenced projection, because as any Information Security expert could tell you, blocking retweets, likes, and replies has absolutely no impact on being able to read posts. You’d block IPs, not people’s ability to engage with Twitter posts linking.
Further, Matt Taibbi isn’t a ‘Substack employee’, he writes a Substack. This is like arguing people who post Tweets are Twitter employees. Wholly dishonest.
Elon Musk is scraping the barrel on this one after getting caught red-handed. Even Breitbart called him out.
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Bell Canada was censoring all text messages if the text contained a substack link in it. Texts were intercepted going out independent of the provider used by the intended recipients. And texts to Bell customers were intercepted independent of what provider the sender used. Bell gave me no hint whatsoever that these texts were being intercepted. I found this out in Jan when I sent my brother a text with a link to a substack article that I had written. After multiple calls to Bell support, and after slowing working up the hierarchy of technicians, it was eventually confirmed that my texts were indeed being rejected. I was told the Bell algorithm was rejecting the links because it was determined to be spam. When i asked for the policy of Bell on spam, I was told they had none. When I provided the technician with the link to the substack article, they became convinced it was not spam. From here on the technicians were on my side, yet none could figure out how to stop Bell from intercepting texts with substack links. Finally, after about 10 weeks and as many phone calls, the problem vanished.
The guy got vaxxed two times, that is all you need to know about his character.