If you’re not familiar with the term ‘Incel’, it is short for ‘Involuntary Celibate’; essentially a person who wants sex but for whatever reason, cannot get any.
The media has eagerly been on a campaign to paint them as basement dwelling sex monsters. Literally yesterday the BBC spewed clearly bulls**t, poorly worded hyperbole that went:
Rape posts every half-hour found on online incel forum
Sounds scary. Pretty sure that’s not how humans normally work ‘hold on, 30 minutes is up, got to post my next rape threat’. Also pretty sure that isn’t how actual rape works. Just ask Jimmy Saville who posted zero rape threats.
The BBC and other slackivist outlets would have you think Incels are the root of all evil - rapes, terrorism. The BBC once again breathlessly reported - with a question mark, no less, showing their uncertainty:
Incels: A new terror threat to the UK?
You know what I find amusing about this? The BBC were responsible for one of the worst rapists imaginable. Jimmy Saville. The BBC dropped a BBC-run Newsnight investigation into the prolific BBC-hired paedophile, which they claimed was for ‘editorial reasons’. Covering up for a paedophile is an editorial reason. BBC couldn’t spot or report a real rapist of children within their own ranks. But apparently they’re the ones to trust on rape.
Who could forget the time the BBC falsely accused the Iraqi government of terrorism in the form Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs)? They were forced to defend that sloppy journalism as well. Or the time they used a photograph of dead Iraqis from the 2003 Iraq war (courtesy of the UK and US) and used it to misrepresent a Syrian massacre.
The BBC is not shy of lying. They also make their complaints process bureaucratic where they ignore evidence of their own sloppy journalism. They also intentionally designed the final appeals form to not work, where they give you a broken link where it can ‘only work once’. Ofcom don’t seem bothered by the BBC’s s**t journalism.
Now we’ve destroyed their credibility, lets move onto the truth.
Attacks On Incels Consist Of Selective, Bias Reporting
I’m not sure why media outlets are so selective, but if they think Incels are the only rapists on planet Earth, they’re sorely mistaken. Indeed, the failure to mention sex status has no correlation with rape rates.
There are plenty of other non-Incel examples. Husbands who rape wives (and wives who rape husbands, in-case you’re a closet misandrist). I mean, heck, the whole of the Netherlands is human trafficking (read: rape) central, and the BBC isn’t concerned about that. Human traffickers have one of the worst abuses for rape on record, with one victim reporting an eye-watering 43,200 rapes.
BBC doesn’t mention anything about human trafficking though, lest it damages the support for migration, nor Netherlands lest the EU is seen in a bad light. Indeed, the BBC’s ‘Incel’ report’s most recent terror attack is from, uh… 2014:
In Isla Vista, California, in 2014, Elliot Rodger murdered six people and injured 14 before killing himself
Meanwhile racial divide narratives - promoted by the likes of the BBC - resulted in the Black supremacist Brooklyn subway shooting in early 2022, which media went silent on. Odd the BBC does not hold itself to account on their advocacy for war (Iraq, Syria, Libya, etc) and terrorism, isn’t it?
Indeed, the ‘report’ the BBC cites comes from pro-censorship “Centre for Countering Digital Hate” (CCDH), who ironically promote hate themselves by trying to slander rather than understand individuals. They even devised a stupid, made-up sounding term called ‘Incelosphere’, which sounds like something an out-of-touch manager would invent.
In it, the article - unironically - screams:
Trigger warning: violence against women, pedophilia, sexual abuse including rape, racism, antisemitism, and anti-LGBTQ+ hate.
The irony of them warning about ‘pedophilia’ (it’s spelled paedophilia in Britain; I know this is an American front company pretending to be British, but I thought I’d point that out) when they use the BBC of all people to report, and scream about ‘racism’ is about to become undone.
Are Incels The Horrible Boogeyman The Media Insists?
No. Unlike the frauds at the CCDH, or the lazy regurgitating hacks at the BBC, I opted to visit and lurk on a selection of Incel forums who are, quite understandably, very wary of media reporting.
I took the time to browse, read numerous threads, and - unlike the CCDH who just like slandering people - actually get to understand these people.
The irony is, the majority of Incels consist of either disabled people (both physically and mentally), as well as - surprise - minorities. In-fact, the minorities have a specific term for their own situation - a ‘Browncel’. Which is a minority incel.
Other terms they might use are ‘blackcel’ and even the self-degrading term ‘muttcel’ meaning ‘mixed race’.
Media outlet TheConversation was forced to admit the incel community is ‘surprisingly diverse’ but then ignored the minority aspect and immediately furrowed their brow to insist they were “united by hate” as if they all spontaneously agreed out of nowhere to ‘hate stuff’ and meet up on a forum to perpetually hate non-stop like a weird Death Metal band.
‘TheConversation’ is ironically unable to discuss with people about their personal situations, or even factor that in. This was despite the fact ‘TheConversation’ unironically reported on the public accusing the media of artificially inflating fears:
Feeding frenzy: public accuse the media of deliberately fuelling shark fear
Ironically, ‘TheConversation’ first opener to the diverse Incels was to immediately accuse all of them of being misogynistic (apparently female incels don’t exist, according to ‘TheConversation’), which is ironically the most hate-filled diatribe I’ve ever read:
Incels (involuntary celibates) are a misogynistic online community linked to terrorism and several mass killings, including those committed by Elliot Rodger in California and Alek Minassian in Toronto.
Ah yes, because people who get sex never kill anyone en-mass, ever. Just ignore a recent 2020 lecture saying how polygamy drives terrorism:
Titled 'Polygamy, sexual selection and terrorism', the lecture was to be delivered by KN Ganeshaiah, writer and retired professor from the University of Agricultural Sciences. As soon as screenshots of the abstract found their way to social media, a slew of commentators responded, slamming Ganeshaiah as Islamophobic and sexist.
None of those who branded Ganeshaiah had heard him speak and the comments were based on the abstract, which talks about polygamy, female foeticide, economic and social backwardness as some of the factors contributing to terrorism.
When polygamists do it, talking about it is Islamophobia. When Incels do it, suddenly it is a breaking news story and must be condemned. Let us not forget the media is linked to mass killings as well - on a much larger scale. How’s the Iraq war? Libya? Syria?
Minorities Make A Majority
So you know how the BBC and CCDH insist you shouldn’t discriminate or be racist, including their little racism trigger warnings? Well, it turns out that is exactly what they’re doing, because they didn’t do their research.
You likely were misled by media articles showing an image of an average looking, nerdy white guy, and just erroneously assumed all Incels were just closet white nerds who play D&D (plenty of nerds are able to form normal, healthy relationships).
In truth, it consists of physically disabled people who have been disfigured, very mentally ill individuals with illnesses such as schizophrenia who are unable to relate or connect with others, and minorities subject - ironically - to discrimination, even within their own cultures.
Indeed, some Incel communities have an image of an Incel member (which I will decline to post here out of politeness because I do not want to drive judgement) who is physically disfigured who they refer to as ‘the face of Incel’.
Naturally, such a one-two punch from both society (‘you’re not valued enough to have sex with’) and rampantly sloppy media reporting (‘you’re all rapist-terrorists’ - even as actual ISIS terrorists engage in polygamy, another selective reporting fail) would drive anyone to desperation. The irony is the media are omitting their own negative impact as a cause.
Why Is There Talk Of Rape?
It is not surprising in a forum of people who don’t get any sex, that there were discussions on the topic of rape on the Incel boards, but they’re not as prolific as you think, and the CCDH omits context and examples, namely because Incels - feeling trapped between dying childless and sexless driven by a society hostile to differing lifestyles and appearances - discuss what they perceive to be how society operates.
What the CCDH doesn’t mention is talk of suicide is much more rampant. Disabled, no relationships, passed over for promotion, and s**t upon by sloppy media with fraudulent credentials would drive most people to suicide.
An isolated few will discuss rape - usually, ironically, referencing Pakistani culture of rape gangs - but what they fail to mention is the discussion is by Pakistanis themselves.
Even more ironically, the British police and the BBC never pre-emptively reported on the Pakistani child rape gangs in Rotherham, so there is this weird double-standard going on. According to the BBC, talking about rape is bad, but actually doing rape is acceptable (and both the BBC and the police will help cover it up).
Centre for Countering Digital Hate Attacks Minorities
Minorities point to the gang rape culture as proof that their own (‘Browncels’) cannot get laid and “have” to use force. Discussions become intense, with some suggesting the origins of their downfalls is from prolific rapes resulting in their receiving ‘inferior genes’. Seeing their despair is quite heartbreaking. A product of rape, in a society of rape, trapped between going without sex or conforming to the abusive social practices.
Indeed, ‘threats of rape’, as the CCDH inaccurately puts it, on a public board full of Incels makes zero sense (are they trying to imply Incels are threatening each other with rape?). A threat is typically something you send to a specific person, especially when it comes to rape.
You certainly wouldn’t do it publicly. And, what the CCDH fails to acknowledge is, if the statements were truly as scary - and by implication as illegal - as they suggest, the individual would have already been under police investigation, not under the glare of a media hitpiece.
They can’t be that ‘threatening’ if the police aren’t responding to it such the CCDH has time to ‘conduct a study’. If it is truly that life-threatening, why are they wasting time ‘conducting a study’ and not reporting it to the police?
During my time there, I did not see one instance of a specifically directed rape threat, and only saw a handful floating the general idea, which seemed to have as much enthusiasm as cheerleading a dead rat in a New York subway.
Over-the-top media outlets with no sense for context wanting a sensationalist story will cherry pick one post and then use it to tarbrush others. Apparently I should never read the media again because they promoted several government lies, so they must always be government liars. Which would mean I should reject their view on Incels.
Most of the posts point out society has a double-standard, and that attractive people can do things and get things unattractive people can’t. Including rape. It’s not exactly the most earthshattering revelation.
Indeed, non-Incels have a history of far worse rape abuses. The Steubenville Rape Case, for example, which wasn’t exposed by the virtue-signalling media, or even the public, but by an online blogger who doggedly pursued the assailants. As she reported:
It was amazing the stuff that was out there and that so many people who saw what was going on recorded it in real time and yet not one person stopped it.
This was a High School. Full of kids. And yet because it was done by attractive footballers, no-one spoke out (some joined in). If attractive people engage in rape, no-one seeks to stop it (not even media), but if ugly people suggest rape, suddenly it is the worst thing that has happened since Jimmy Saville at the BBC (who also wasn’t stopped by the media).
Incels Are Victims Of Tragedy
One thing that haunted me during my visit there was the perpetual sense of despair, followed - unsurprisingly - by anger. If someone loses a job, anger is to be expected. But if people deemed ‘ugly’ by society can’t get laid, they’re not allowed to express anger or frustration with a situation they perceive as unfair (they didn’t choose to look that way), or the Big Media will say bad things about them.
It is odd. The CCDH and BBC claim to be champions of the underdogs, those with disabilities, those in despair, minorities - and yet that is exactly who they’re attacking here.
The BBC, a rich corporate strongarm of the government who hires only attractive people within their own ranks (and discriminates against women with no hint of irony) beating down on a small community of banded together people experiencing an existential crisis due to circumstances beyond their control.
Some are so desperate they will pay for plastic surgery and break their own bones just to be more attractive. Others report trying to hire prostitutes - only to be refused. Some refuse to become productive participants in society given the discrimination. Few - typically criticised by the majority - will propose vague suggestions of taking revenge.
Most are despondant and the posts seem like empty rhetoric, many paralysed with despair and failure. Many posts discuss suicide options. They even have a phrase for it: “rope or cope”:
‘Cope’ means doing something to cope with the suffering, a bit like a terminal cancer patient taking painkillers for a disease they can’t treat. On the softer scale some adopt animals. A few will adopt hobbies or games. On the darker side - because it is clear they’re not getting mental health from a discriminatory society driven by the likes of the BBC - some turn to drinking, others to drugs.
‘Rope’ means what people think it means. Successful suicides are quietly congratulated, in that members see it as a person having been able to end their suffering (much like the euthanasia the BBC supports). Even in the attacks referred, you’ll notice it is always ended by the person shooting themselves.
Personally I find it heartbreaking. A community that feels so unloved they feel their only recourse is either violence - to take revenge on a society that self-evidently rejects them - or suicide to escape it. The coping mechanisms such as drinking, eating, drugs and inactivity are just slower forms of suicide. The media just wish they’d die slowly and painfully quietly (notice there is no outrage on the suicides?).
Shouldn’t the so-called ‘Centre for Countering Digital Hate’ stop spewing hate themselves, and find these people the much needed love and support so they can be integrated into society, and prevent such tragedies occurring?
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What do you think about Incels? The Media’s reporting? Do you have a different view?
You do your moniker proud Underdog. Appreciate your compassion to the downhearted. Great post.
I wrote a long comment on this article and then accidentally deleted it by going back to check a quote. Oops!
Anyway, your work is outstanding and very thought-provoking. Thank you for taking the time to do REAL JOURNALISM and actually going and looking, rather than creating and reinforcing stereotypes as the BBC and CCDH do. And thank you for your compassion and your understanding that many of these people are themselves victims of tragedy. Your comment about Pakistani men etc perhaps being themselves the product of rape was eye-opening.
You are doing amazing work and I applaud you.