I read a nauseating amount of comments by people on many sites attempting to appease what I can only describe as ‘vaccine cultists’ with the floppy spine appeasing line “I’m not anti-vaxx I’m…”. All this does is signal your defeat.
What it says is ‘I’m too afraid to be critical of the vaccines because the crowd don’t like so-called “anti-vaxxers”’. What you’re saying is, the many billions of dollars in advertising campaigns, psychological manipulation tactics, reframing tactics to put a murderous f**king syringe on a pedestal was successful. You’d rather let children die than be called “anti-vax”.
You’re screaming you’re more afraid of a label giving a bit of plastic with a sharp metal point blasphemy status in society than speaking up and criticising a mass produced product that gets discarded in a waste bin when it goes off.
You’re essentially saying you’re too afraid to criticise an inanimate object. ‘I’m not anti-vaxx, why my best friend is a vaccine’. What? Of course you’re anti-vaccine. There’s nothing wrong with being critical of vaccines. I’m anti-vaccine. I’m proud of it. So what? World didn’t end. Get a better retort.
I don’t let an inanimate object made by corrupt pharmaceutical companies rule my life or determine my arguments, and I don’t let media talking points advocated by uneducated unfunny ‘comedians’ with no medical experience control my view in life.
All vaccines? Yes. Why not? Are all vaccines perfect? If you’ve answered ‘yes’ you’re a lying scumbag, and if you’re answered ‘no’ then why are you challenging my criticisms under the guise of ‘anti-vaccine’? There will always be a fault and always a way to improve. Never criticising implies perfection. Vaccines are not perfect and never will be.
No-one ever slaps down criticisms of drugs with ‘are you being anti-drug again?!’, never do I preface criticisms of drugs with ‘I’m not anti-drug I’m just [insert weird invented exception]’. Of course you’re critical of drugs, why wouldn’t you be? You’re critical of your car when it stops working, are you anti-car? What a stupid label.
Who invented this slander and why do people keep bending over to it? Accept the label and then ask them ‘so what? How does that refute any of my points?’ - it doesn’t. It’s just a highly manipulative way to try to force people to conform by giving vaccines unquestionable status by creating an imaginary outgroup called ‘anti-vaxxers’. I didn’t receive my membership card, did you?
‘Either you’re with “us” [whoever “us” is] or you’re with them - the ugly horrible evil ghastly anti-vaxxers’. I’d rather be with the people who question giant multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical companies convicted of fraud and actually think about their medical choices than be associated with a group of braindead people who are concerned what corporate media outlets and corrupt governments think of them.
Anti-vaxxer? Cool, hell yeah. So what? What a dumb retort, name calling, the least scientific response imaginable. Maybe try discussing the peer-reviewed studies or overwhelming flaws.
And success does not mean immunity from criticism. Lance Armstrong won Tour de France… with steroids. Is he immune to criticism just because he won? Clearly the steroid usage is unethical. Are you “anti-Lance Armstrong” if you call him out? So what if vaccines had some successes? Does that give them a free pass for every wrongdoing, every child they kill, every adult they maim and murder?
If a surgeon is successful 50% of the time and then intentionally killed 50% of his patients, does he get the pedestal of protection? You can’t be anti-surgeon, why he saved 50% of lives. Have I told you how Dr Polio Vaccine saved so many lives before, why are you questioning him and his vaccine family? There’s no questioning his methods, they work. Ignore the bloody murder.
You know what I’m anti? I’m anti-corner cutting. I’m anti-child murder. I’m anti-causing disabilities. I’m anti-fraud. I’m anti-propaganda. And I’m anti-manipulation by people using ad hominems to try to slander serious concerns about defective products that should receive all the “revered” status of the trash they get incinerated with in the waste pile.
Stop saying “I’m not anti-vaxxer…” and kick their naming-and-shaming verbal manipulation in the balls and call it out. You’ll feel better for it. Only morons with no real arguments use name calling.
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