Previously we reported on how Berlin wanted sex rooms for toddlers to “masturbate in privacy” in this disgusting act of perversion.
As reported in The Tyranny Of Modern Germany, Germany has a long history of enabling paedophiles dating back decades, into the present.
That was the “experiment”. Placing foster children with paedophiles. And this isn’t some hyperbolic, scant evidence theory: it is openly discussed in numerous media articles: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7… you get the idea.
As reported, Helmut Kentler, a paedophile pretending to be a “sexologist”, set up the abuse of children, downplayed as a so-called “experiment”.
The German government implemented his paedophilia program for decades, with them implementing more today.
Germany legalising (“decriminalising”) paedophilia needs to met with the most vehement outrage and backlash. If it is seen to be tolerated by the public there, the paedophiles will try to introduce it elsewhere.
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