You may have heard the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) claims they are now justified widening acceptable range for heart rhythms.
Supposedly “new scientific evidence” (which FAA refuses to disclose) happens to coincide with the FAA’s problems: the airline pilot shortage.
Previously, Southwest Airlines 70% flight disruption was a pilot shortage due to sickness absences, and American Airlines admitted to a pilot shortage disrupting flights. Both mandated vaccines.
FAA’s decision means so many pilots are having heart (‘cardiac’) issues, that they’re forced to open floodgates, letting vaccine-injured pilots with heart issues resume flying to compensate for the vaccine-induced pilot shortage.
Read: to hide vaccines cause harms, and ‘solve’ a pilot shortage, they are intentionally ignoring major flags on EKG (also known as ECG) readings, putting passengers at risk.
How Do We Know It Is For Vaccinated Pilots?
We already know pilots face an ultimatum, being forced to choose between flying vaccinated, or losing their jobs, however studies reinforce this as well.
In the unvaccinated peer-review study: “The Incidence of Myocarditis and Pericarditis in Post COVID-19 Unvaccinated Patients-A Large Population-Based Study“ (those unfamiliar, myocarditis and pericarditis are heart issues), it was found (emphasis added):
[…] Post COVID-19 infection was not associated with either myocarditis (aHR 1.08; 95% CI 0.45 to 2.56) or pericarditis (aHR 0.53; 95% CI 0.25 to 1.13). We did not observe an increased incidence of neither pericarditis nor myocarditis in adult patients recovering from COVID-19 infection. […]
Maybe you’re thinking ‘perhaps it is really high in those that died from SARS-CoV-2’, but in another study, aptly titled “Myocarditis is rare in COVID-19 autopsies: cardiovascular findings across 277 postmortem examinations”, remarks:
[…] closer examination of additional reported information revealed that most cases were likely not functionally significant and the true prevalence of myocarditis is likely much lower (<2%) […]
2% might seem slightly high, until you realise it is a percentage of those who died, so a small percent of a small percent, that is to say, extremely rare in unvaccinated people.
In vaccinated people, it is so common there are many peer-reviewed studies. Here’s one example: “Myocarditis and pericarditis in adolescents after first and second doses of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines”, another: “Myocarditis and Pericarditis After Vaccination for COVID-19”.
FAA Have Not Made A Change Like This Before
First time in decades the FAA has issued a major change to their stringent criteria to lower standards.
Imagine pre-2020 asking FAA to lower stringent health checks, so you can squeeze on a few more pilots with dodgy tickers?
They’d call you insane, say how you’d endanger lives of passengers, pilots would condemn you some would even call you corrupt and unethical. Meanwhile with a straight face tell you to take a shot to help protect Grandma.
Normally they raise standards. What prompted? Nothing to do with being unvaccinated, unvaccinated pilots existed before 2020. Only things that changed are the shot roll-outs and mandates.
Vaccinated Pilots Are For Poor People
Something you may not have heard about, setting the tone further, is whistleblowing pilot Alan Dana has come forward saying the rich and wealthy are trying to recruit the unvaccinated pilots. That is not a typing error.

So you have the rich and wealthy telling you deceptively the shot is ‘safe and effective’, as a vaccine mandated pilot shortages occurs and the corrupt FAA greenlights pilots with heart issues to fly putting passengers at risk, whilst they scoop up the unvaccinated to fly their planes for a small mint.
What Should We Do About It?
File complaints to the FAA over the change, make a lot of noise so they know you know (as their goal is to hide the vaccine harms, not make them more obvious),
Make other people aware of the FAA lowering standards (get them outraged, where they’re pro or anti-vaccine they should be opposed to any lowering of health standards in pilots)
Boycott any and all flights whilst the lowered standard is still in effect
Encourage others to either boycott or avoid flying
File a complaint to the airline companies so they know you’re boycotting them and why, so airline companies feel the pain financially for their tyrannical mandates and ultimately pressure the FAA to revert
[Not Legal Advice; speak with a legal professional] If you have deep pockets, perhaps FOIA lawsuit the FAA to reveal what the basis for their dubious decision making is (ask for the “new scientific evidence”). Near certain the basis is flawed hence their shame and attempts to hide it.
In the meantime, either drive, catch a bus, train, or boat (at least on services where the shots haven’t been mandated).
Slavery getting closer!
LIABILTY for Vax makers would be a reasonable expectation - but will never happen 'cos they'd be bankrupt within weeks following Vax injuries and Vax Deaths!
Mick from Hooe (Unvaxxed to live longer)