It is no secret at The Daily Beagle that Nordstream 1 has already been cut off. plunging Europe into it’s biggest energy crisis since World War 2, however, energy crisis have consequences, even as Saudi Arabia and the UAE buy Russian oil to try to compensate for hitting maximum capacity to compensate.
The latest casualty in the globalist’s proxy war is the Euro itself as Bloomberg reports:
The depreciation has been incredibly rapid, given the euro was trading close to $1.15 in February.
What happened in February? Well, the west provoked a war with Russia. Despite the EU trying to sanction Russia in a thinly veiled attempt to destroy their economy, it is clear the EU lost out.
Bloomberg amusingly tries to spin it as the dollar gaining strength, despite the huge inflation the US is experiencing, by trying to suggest the inflation (which lowers the buying power of a currency) is making it ‘stronger’, talk about spin:
The euro’s descent this year is just one part of a global story of dollar dominance. The greenback has been in favor this year as a haven investment, helped by higher US interest rates, and there’s been speculation the rally could spur global policymakers to intervene to weaken it at some point.
Err, Earth to Bloomberg, the dollar is already weak. What kind of Malthusian nonsense writing is this? Pushing aside Bloomberg’s delusion of the dollar getting stronger, it is in-fact, the Euro getting weaker, which Bloomberg already calls “depreciation”.
Parity With Defeat
For those of you not familiar with what ‘parity’ means, it means ‘on par with’, ‘equal footing’. Essentially, it means one dollar buys one euro and vice versa (ignoring any exchange rate fees). It might not mean exact parity, but it does mean the rough 1.5 Euros per Dollar is no longer a thing, as in, the Euro is worth the same as a dollar.
When you factor in the US’ mass printing (so-called ‘Quantative Easing’) and the US’ debt (reminder: $50 trillion in 2020), the dollar has dropped far in purchasing power. Globalist shills will try to argue with you that debt is relative to economic power, but the US’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product; roughly how much financial output it produces as a whole) retracted, going to -1.4%.
Debt going up whilst GDP goes down means the dollar is overall worth less (worthless, some might even say). The Euro ‘reaching parity’ with the dollar means whatever sinking boat the US is in, the EU has joined them.
Europeans, beware.
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