Disclaimer: This document does not constitute legal advice, speak with a legal professional.
Note: The amount of information contained in here is too long for email, again, please view in-browser.
Yes, it does mean ‘fluff words’ time but this is crucial.
I’m going to break the usual third person, impartial framing speech for this article, because to put it bluntly, there is no way of neatly or impartially presenting the findings of The Daily Beagle into the Trump Raid. It’s an ugly truth with no neat resolution that no side will like, and despite several drafts, I’m not sure how to broach this topic. But it is so important to the public that it absolutely must be broached.
I want to make clear I’m a follower of truth. If that truth goes in favour of Trump, I follow it. If that truth goes against Trump, I follow it. I don’t follow personalities, or political parties. I might try to suggest what I think is the least worst leader, but that’s data driven, not political ideologue driven.
I want you to see this article as, me, as a friend, trying to tell another friend, a very difficult, ugly truth. The kind that goes ‘your wife is having an affair with…’. I believe in American Patriots, I feel they are trying to do what is right for their country, but as your friend, I have to tell you the difficult truths, even if they run against a person you might support.
The Beginning Of The Daily Beagle’s Suspicions
I’ve written and re-written several draft articles, trying to work out how to say what I mean to say about the Trump raid. I’ve pulled out the search warrants, grabbed statements from Truth Social, from Trump’s lawyer Christina Bobbs, from Ron DeSantis. I see inconsistencies the public are missing in their fevour.
I’ve looked at laws and penalties, tried to peice together events, eyeballed media claims with suspicion, all whilst I watch as Trump supporters have been masterfully riled up by manipulative media into a frenzy akin to an angry bee hive ready to attack anything they perceive as threats.
I feel like my argument, my theory, will be misclassified as a threat when I’m trying to warn the supporters there is a much bigger elephant in the room. I have to criticise the false idol worship and run the risk of being proverbially lynched in doing so. I know you literally wouldn’t harm me - you’d probably unsubscribe or leave, but I consider Patriots to be friends, the loss is still just as bad.
How do you broach the subject of a friend’s partner having an affair with someone else? It is a landmine in any situation. Some friends might deny it even with the evidence. Some might accept. I only ask we can still be friends after I pitch this theory, which, I still don’t know how to word, as there’s no clear conclusions.
Get On With It Man
Here’s what I think, and then evidence: I think the Trump raid is staged. Basically, Trump, like the other politicians, is part of the Deep State. He’s having an affair, sleeping with the other side. You won’t want to accept it, and what friend wants to hear their partner is cheating on them? No-one. But it has to be said.
There is no one ‘a-ha, gotcha’ smoking gun piece of evidence, but a slew of suspicious inconsistencies that when piled up force the conclusion. You might want to read our earlier critique thread for other pieces later on. But you really need to see the inconsistencies of the raid. At the very least consider it something to chew on.
It Isn’t How The Deep State Operates
Firstly, let’s get the biggest elephant in the room out of the way. I think everybody knows the Deep State does not “piss about” sending blues-and-twos loud police cars, because they just straight up assassinate Presidents if they feel like it. Just ask John F Kennedy. They’ll cap you out, blame a patsy, and then there’ll be a cover-up.
None of this ‘loud, overt presence’ of police cars with blues-and-twos. Why bother? If they really want the documents, they wouldn’t bother with signed warrants and cars, they’d just perform a Watergate and steal the files incognito. Trump is over 70 years old, they could have invented any slew of accidents like the endless dead whistleblowers, reporters, doctors and J6 protestors.
The use of such an overt presence to me screams an attention-seeking act. The Deep State doesn’t publish their threats publicly because it draws support. They do it by inference. You get home one day to find your pet has been killed by somebody. You find the brakes in your car don’t work. If police do turn up, they shoot you and then insist to the world you had a knife. They don’t dogpile you with 20+ dudes unless it is an armed siege like Waco.
The Statements Don’t Align
Now, before I continue, I want to make this clear: cut out any either-or fallacy bulls**t, my criticisms of the statements here does not imply an endorsement of the so-called “other” side. I follow truth, not politics. If I tell you one wrestler in a match is fake, it doesn’t imply the other wrestler is real: it implies the entire match is fake. Both aren’t real. It is all Deep State.
Ron DeSantis remarks are probably the most highlighting:
Now, you’ll likely be inclined to agree. Regime. Banana Republic. That is what a Deep State is. In-fact, if we look up the Oxford reference definition of a Banana Republic, it is described as:
A dictatorship run in the interests of foreign commercial exploitation.
Fair enough, who could disagree? I think you’d all agree voting in a dictatorship doesn’t work because it is power by force.
But… did you notice Ron DeSantis actions after declaring this? He did not declare his troops to arms, or immediately secede from the Federal government, nor did he draw up war plans or approach other States on how to vacate this now rigged, broken, undemocratic dictatorship… he instead continued to promote the Midterm elections as if nothing just happened (yes, this post is after the raid):

Vote Kari Lake to… stop a rigged banana republic regime dictatorship? Ron DeSantis seems certainly okay with the Congressional Capitol police setting up shop in Florida. You know, the same Capitol police who shot unarmed Ashli Babbitt and are part of the J6 Committee who Ron DeSantis called a Banana Republic.
He’ll happily suppress Disney, but when threatened with a banana republic he says to continue voting?
And it’s weirder when you consider that Uvalde police stood outside for 74 minutes allowing children to be shot, preventing parents from rescuing them, busy sanitising their hands and checking their phones… this isn’t what tipped off Ron to a “banana republic”. No apparently this is a sign of a healthy functioning democracy, it’s only when documents get taken by signed warrant you should fear for your lives.
Okay, so maybe you might consider that a Ron DeSantis thing. Maybe he’s the sole traitor, easy scapegoat, etc etc… well, we run into problems with Trump as well.
Trump Lacks Actions Too
On Truth Social, Trump had declared such a raid could only occur in broken Third World countries, and repeated the line in another post calling it “third world”. He called it a form of election cheating, then promoted Congressman Troy Nehls’ book called “The Big Fraud”, which declares that the General Election was rigged. Trump had also boldly declared “our Country is going to HELL!”
For average Americans, getting systematically poisoned by the Operation Warp Speed poison shot, forced to pay eyewatering sums on food prices, watching as corrupt politicians hand $40 billion to other countries to fight proxy wars they didn’t even vote on, you’d likely agree.
But then, like Ron, Trump did something odd for a hell-bound, rigged, broken Third World country with election cheating. Would it be a seceding of states? A brave new country formed from the hell-bound ashes? A new union of States? Err… no. He bragged there was going to be a “red wave” at the voting booths:
He then surmised that “Republicans could win many additional seats, both in the House & Senate”:
“Win” additional seats?! In the rigged, election cheating, broken, hell-bound Third World country? The one that is, according to Ron DeSantis, a banana republic, the one where, according to Trump, law enforcement are weaponised - and therefore don’t enforce election laws? What?
Child murderers are being aided and abetted by the police but aren’t you happy Operation Warp Speed Donald Trump has good polling figures, and another Republican he chose won a seat in this child-executing banana republic?
Wouldn’t this imply both him and his Republicans are part of the banana republic if they are winning seats in the system they themselves called rigged? J6 protestors get shot unarmed, or “commit suicide”, but by heck you should only be terrified of a documents raid, not the already existing systematic execution of your peers.
To me, the whole ‘reinvigorates the red wave’ to me screams ‘we managed to scam the Americans into believing the political system still cares for them’. You were told the previous election got so utterly wrecked with cheating, so horribly ruined… but come back for Round 2 of yet more voting in the… ah goshdarnit they cheated again.
The flagging support for both parties showed people weren’t buying into the dead representative democracy, and poof, as if by magic, a nice stunt of a police raid where Trump isn’t in danger of anything (he wasn’t even present) to rile up the masses. If the Deep State is trying to kill him, why wait until after he leaves? It makes no sense. It seems like a giant political stunt.
The Republicans seem rather laid back for a ‘banana republic’, don’t you think? They’re happy to send $40 billion to try to overthrow the Russian “banana republic” and ship arms and weapons, but here they don’t want to give you anything, just vote for them so they can ship more of your hardearned cash overseas.
Maybe it’s because they’re not the ones who are in danger. We are. So naturally, they don’t really care. A stunt. Staged. A play. They voted to send your money to Ukraine, remember. Rand Paul only asked for a receipt of where the funds went like a beta-male cuck would for a gold-digger at an expensive store. What’s he going to do? Ask for a refund?
Other Inconsistencies
These are inconsistencies that don’t really fit anywhere.
Trump claims the FBI rummaged through his wife’s closet and “left the area in a relative mess”, in contrast, Trump’s lawyer, Christina Bobb, who was at Mar-a-lago described it as:
And that they kept it neat and picked up trash:
Agents kept Mar-a-Lago neat while they were searching for documents, with one even picking up trash, according to Bobb. The agents “took a handful of boxes of documents,” she said.
Notice neither side presents any easy-to-upload photographic evidence in this modern era of CCTV everywhere, smartphones, cameras a dime a dozen, body cams etc. Left intentionally vague. Did they trash it or did they keep it neat? Rather than answering your questions the Deep State plays you like a puppet on a string and withholds photographic evidence. Why does Trump need to ask the US government in order to release his own CCTV footage, anyway?
This claim by Christina is turn contradicted another of Trump’s claims, where he claimed that “The FBI and others from the Federal Government would not let anyone, including my lawyers, be anywhere near the areas that were rummaged and otherwise looked at during the raid on Mar-a-Lago.”.
Meanwhile, in sharp contrast, Christina Bobb’s signature is on the presented search warrant, meaning she was present at the time it was executed:
Obviously the staged play can’t keep their narrative straight. Were the FBI reckless ruffians who trashed the place, or were they neat professionals who daren’t mess with the brave and heroic 45? Apparently these old timers haven’t heard of ‘photographs’.
I have a hard time believing a man claiming he’s persecuted by the US government Deep State when he keeps their Secret Service detail around at his house for some reason. Former Presidents can dismiss their Secret Service detail if they so wish. Unless you’re of the view he’s still President, but then you’d have to blame him for the Ukraine war and the inflation. Keep dancing to the Deep State’s tune of confusion.
The Daily Beagle Does Their Homework
Just to demonstrate I did look at this from all possible angles, here are all the legal documents (at time of writing) I could find relating to the staged raid (not all documents are public).
List Of Legal Documents Found:
Document 4: Judicial Watch’s motion to unseal search warrant
Document 6: Times Union motion to unseal search warrant.
Document 8: New York Times motion to gain access just for themselves.
(Redacted version) Document 17: the search warrant.
(Unredacted version) Document 17: the search warrant.
Document 18: US government’s motion to unseal the search warrant. (Why even bother doing this if they’re trying to keep this all secret?)
Document 40: Notice of Trump not objecting to the unsealing of the warrant.
Confirmation Of Bruce Reinhart’s Signature
Bruce Reinhart’s name is indeed on the warrant:
We can confirm further, as the case ID includes the shorthand for Reinhart, “BER”:
No, Bruce Reinhart was not appointed by Donald Trump, contrary to the false claims peddled by left-leaning outlets. Magistrate judges are appointed by majority vote by other judges (so anyone hocking the Epstein connections you have a whole slew of judges you’d need to investigate given they approved him into power):
A U.S. magistrate judge is a judicial officer of the district court and is appointed by majority vote of the active district judges of the court to exercise jurisdiction over matters assigned by statute as well as those delegated by the district judges.
Furthermore, a person acting as a defence attorney for a criminal does not disqualify them from being a judge, contrary to all the anti-justice views the public have. It is the whole point of defence attorneys. That’s their job - to defend both the innocent and criminals alike.
So his prior work defending Epstein - as scummy as Epstein is - is not relevant, unless there is evidence he partook in corrupt or unethical legal practices during that time, in which case he should be disbarred, and jailed for perversion of the course of justice.
Reinhart’s express anti-Trump views does present a conflict-of-interest, although, Trump’s lawyers have, in theory, only a limited window to file a legal “clawback” of incorrectly obtained documents - usually roughly 10 days.
Trump and his lawyers - yet another inconsistency - have not lodged a complaint for the files to be returned. In-fact they haven’t taken any legal action to stop the documents being seized, just are demanding the unsealing of yet more documents, which again screams to me ‘publicity stunt’.
Jeremy Linton Special Agent For The FBI Was Also At J6
I’m confident this is part of the staged narrative however ‘oh no look how meanie J6 Committee are’ - meanwhile newly recruited IRS agents go door-to-door shooting up innocent people under the guise of “taxes”.
Remember, Congress themselves don’t have the power to jail anyone, although testimony given to Congress is legally admissible evidence to court, so charges by some other organisation could follow.
Linton’s signature is next to Bobb’s on Document 17, the unredacted version:
In another court document (unrelated to this case), he declares he was “on duty” during January 6th at Congress (meaning, odds are, he was one of the instigators):
There Were Two Search Warrants
It seems trite, but it’s worth noting Christina Bobb signed two search warrants, and they actually demand two different groups of items.
Jeremy Linton’s list demands:
1 - Executive Grant of Clemency re: Roger Jason Stone, Jr.
1A - Info re: President of France
2 - Leatherbound box of documents
2A - Various classified/TS/SCI documents
3 - Potential Presidential Record
5 - Binder of photos
6 - Binder of photos
7 - Handwritten note
8 - Box labeled A-1
9 - Box labeled A-12
10 - Box labeled A-15
10A - Miscellaneous Secret Documents
11 - Box labeled A-16
11A - Miscellaneous Top Secret Documents
12- Box labeled A-17
13- Box labeled A-18
13A - Miscellaneous Top Secret Documents
14 - Box labeled A-27
14-A - Miscellaneous Confidential Documents
15 - Box Labeled A-28
15A - Miscellaneous Secret Documents
16 - Box Labeled A-30
17 - Box Labeled A-32
18 - Box Labeled A-35
19 - Box Labeled A-23
19A - Confidential Document
20 - Box Labeled A-22
21 - Box Labeled A-24
22 - Box Labeled A-34
23 - Box Labeled A-39
23A- Miscellaneous Secret Documents
24 - Box Labeled A-40
25 - Box Labeled A-41
25A - Miscellaneous Confidential Documents
26 - Box Labeled A-42
26A - Miscellaneous Top Secret Documents
27 - Box Labeled A-71
28 - Box Labeled A-73
28A - Miscellaneous Tope[sic] Secret Documents
Meanwhile, another signature, whose name I’m not entirely sure of (could be I Grady Gary, or J Grady Gary, or L Grady Gary. Might not even be ‘Grady’)…
…Demands a different list of items:
4 - Documents
29 - Box Labeled A-14
30 - Box Labeled A-26
31 - Box Labeled A-43
32 - Box Labeled A-13
33 - Box Labeled A-33
The List Of Probable “Charges”
I’m not convinced anything meaningful is going to happen to Trump. And no, I don’t consider being “blocked” from running as President as meaningful. I see it as a way of them continuing the charade of a pretend “democratic” system that has never truly functioned to begin with. If the Deep State wants someone out the way, they won’t mess about with weird dubious laws, they cap them dead.
Imagine if all the Deep State did to Seth Rich was deny him the freedom to run for President, or Julian Assange, or Edward Snowden? Sounds absurd as a threat. They jail and kill people they don’t like.
According to Hugo Lowell, who is a Congressional reporter, these are the laws Trump is supposedly facing:
Here are the legal references:
18 U.S. Code § 2071 - Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally
18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
The Daily Beagle’s Non-Legal Analysis
This is how we think the staged play is going to pan out.
Firstly, 18 U.S. Code § 793 is pretty broad and relates to any defence information (ignore the red herrings about ‘nuclear weapons’), which broadly includes even seemingly unimportant information such as the locations of defence installations, whilst the act mostly focuses on transmission, it also includes the loss or destruction of said documents.
There's unproven claims that Trump has destroyed documents (either ripped them up or similarly), which would be caught under this. It’s worth drawing attention to the punishment: if convicted, the individual loses/forfeits their properties and money that they gained from their actions.
Even if we assume the ripping up of documents is true, it’s unlikely Trump will have made any money from simply ripping up documents, which leads me to think this is a staged charge. There to look scary to the public, but like a gun firing blanks in a movie, does nothing.
18 U.S. Code § 1519 relates explicitly to the destruction of documents and records, in relation to a Federal investigation. Now, again, humouring the undemonstrated claims of Trump having ripped documents in a purely hypothetical light, there’s a couple of questions that would need to be answered:
Were they ripped up prior to any investigations? If so, it wouldn’t apply, namely because part of the Code specifies the line “[…] with the intent to impede […]”, and you can’t intent to impede something that didn’t already exist.
Alternatively, is it in relation to the J6 Committee’s “investigation”? There’s a question of whether or not a Congressional committee is the kind of ‘investigation’ that is meant by the wording of the bill. Committees are not courts: they cannot pass judgements on people, render verdicts, and ergo they are not typical legal investigations. So even if we assume worst case scenario, that Trump ripped up documents to stop it arriving to the J6 Committee, depending on legal arguments used, their type of “investigation” (which is more akin to a fact-finding mission, not a legal investigation), may not count.
Also there’s difficulty in proving the “intent to impede”. They would have to prove who actually ripped up the documents as well (Mar-a-lago is fairly public). Again, this strikes me as another stage charge, a fake nothing burger with no real bite. Trump isn’t in any real danger.
The most “threatening”, and I say that with gritted teeth knowing how ruthlessly the Deep State executes people, is 18 U.S. Code § 2071. Again, this relates to document destruction, but also ‘concealment’. Could putting the documents behind a lock count as ‘concealing’ the evidence? It is the kind of technicality an evil bastard dictatorship would pick out.
The counter here is ‘willfully’. If Trump was required to lock it by the National Archives, then it is not willful by his own choice. Can he prove they made that demand? Depends.
Document destruction, even if we humour this staged narrative and assume there was document ripping that was willful (and not an ‘oops it fell on the floor and got wet and all torn up’), harbours, and it is the punishment here that is interesting:
[…] shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States […]
Forfeiture of the office and disqualification from holding any office. This is what I imagine you will be jumping up and down and pointing fingers at, screaming ‘That’s the Democrat plan’, but have you notice what has been done to you?
You do realise there are easier ways for the Deep State to do this, right? JFK was disqualified the moment the bullet entered his brain. When Robert F. Kennedy also got shot by Sirhan Sirhan, he got disqualified from all offices too. When Senator Leo Joseph Ryan who investigated the Jim Jones cult got shot, he was disqualified as well. The endless aircraft and car crashes. Hell, Indiana Representative Jackie Walorski (who was apparently working to expose child trafficking) who died in a ‘car accident’ where police keep changing the accounts, she’s disqualified from all offices too.
Don’t you see? This opposition is all staged. For your ‘benefit’, so you get invested in a rigged, broken system which even Trump calls broken and DeSantis calls a banana republic, whilst they keep screaming about polling figures and votes.
You have to choose what you’re going to believe:
Either the system is rigged, and thus Trump and DeSantis playing along for votes and polling figures is all part of the Deep State’s larger act.
The system is perfectly fair and Trump is lying to you when he says it is rigged (and yet gets all of his candidates elected in said rigged cheating system).
Remember what I said about trying to tell a friend their partner is having an affair with someone else. It is the hardest thing to do. I believe, my friend, you just got cheated on by the one you trusted the most.
Disagree? I welcome dissent. See if you can explain the inconsistencies between words and actions. Please don’t refer to unevidenced plans or secret wink-wink s**t, it should be an evidenced discussion.
Outstanding post. Thanks for your rigorous reporting and energy.